Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The Streets Is Watching

Depending on your view in life, something very bad or very lucky happened yesterday. My brother was robbed whilst walking home from the train station. He walked through an alleyway (which I happen to walk through all the time) where a guy was sorta walking very slowly at the other end. My bro crossed the road and this guy followed after him and asked him for the time. Then he put his hand on my bro's shoulder and said "Give me your wallet and mobile. Don't make me stab you". He then flashed him the handle of a kitchen knife which was in his sleeve. My bro had no alternative but to hand over his belongings.

What time did his happen? At 3.45 PM, in bright daylight. Where did this happen? Only METRES from the public school which had people in there. This is just crazy. You might think, its daytime, and your near a public place, but robberies can happen anywhere. My bro did contemplate running into the skool, but I reckon he did the right thing. The guy was obviously very serious and my bro did think he was going to get stabbed if he didn't hand over his stuff. It's not worth it. What's some money and a mobile phone. It's better to walk away unscathed, alive and well.

Gimme The Loot

Later on I went back to the scene of the crime with the police and we looked for his wallet. The funny thing is another high skool kid came through the alleyway holding his mobile SMSing someone. He then walked through the skool oblivious to what transpired in the past hour. It was exactly what my bro would have done. I felt like walking up to this kid and saying "Mate you might want to put that phone away, a robbery just happened here!!!!". Was my bro in the wrong place at the wrong time? It could have easily have been this kid as opposed to my bro.

We can look at this incident and say it was just bad luck that he was there. Or we can took the optimistic approach and say, its good luck that all he lost was his wallet/phone and managed to walk away safe. I tend to look on the bright side of things.

Has my suburb become more dangerous? Quite possibly, because I got robbed about 5 months ago, when someone followed me from the train station. If we can learn anything from these two incidents, its the following:

1. Walk along the main roads, no matter what time of the day. There is a higher visible presence.
2. If you see someone arouses any suspicion, just avoid them. Just walk the other way.
3. It's better to walk away unscathed. Money, and mobiles are replaceable. Body parts are not.
4. Learn the 5 palm imploding technique from Kill Bill 2. No, I am just kidding.
5. Life should be cherished and we should thank God that nothing serious happened.

Just lastly, I want to leave the description of the offender: Male, in his 20's, wearing a white "USA" jumper, blue jeans, short brown hair with blonde tips, used the word "bro", of a certain descent. My suburb is also in the Bankstown district. I will let you form your own conclusions.

Sky's the limit : My career goals

I have been thinking about this for a long time and have a "to do" list which used to be stuck on my wall.Here they are in no order:

- Lawyer: working for a big commercial firm, then a tort litigation lawyer, Erin Brockovich style. I want to sue the ass of these tobacco/absestos companies. I want to bring them to their knees.

- Entrepreneur: It is my dream to have a start-up. A first born global, with new and fresh ideas. It' doesn't have to be huge. I just want to do my own thing. And I would like to sell products, not a service.

- CEO: I would to run some big company. It doesnt' have to be listed on the stock exchange, because my heart rate would coincide with the rise and fall of the stock price. I'd be happy running a private company. Action Badges maybe?!!

- UN officer: Another ambitious goal is to work for a UN department. I want to be a junior officer at the UN. I am someone that loves world affairs and debating them to other people. I have already looked up the entry requirements and seen the exams (they ain't that hard!).

- Business Journalist: I want to write for like BRW or the AFR. i have started up my own publication known as the "thought leaderships series". My first article is the "The Agile Corporation", which is still a work in progress. I just consume business books like they are rice, and want to follow in the footsteps of Michael Lewis/Frank Partnoy - although I ain't no investment back insider. I want to produce a book and it don't have to be a best seller.

- Careers Counsellor:

- Academic: Once I have acheived all of the above, i would like to go back and teach at uni. Maybe in the area of corporate governance or maybe something a lot more interesting - "Fantasy NBA 101".

These goals are more unrealistic, but here they are:

1. Fantasy NBA tv analyst: I want to be like that dude Brian Funston on ESPN Motion TV and just talk about fantasy NBA all day. My team is coming like last in the FLAVOS league and first in Ken's league. But its something that I do every day, checking up stats/reports even though i should be studying for my exam.

2. GM of a NBA team: This would be taking my fantasy NBA dream to the next level - reality. Doing real player moves, having a hand in their careers, considering the salary cap, drafting the next big thing. The guy I would be most like is prolly Mark Cuban, minus the one billion dollars. Why? Because in the end I'm just a huge fan like him and have my own blog !!!hahaha. I'd take over the Chicago Bulls and take'em to the Finals.

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