Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Bush or Kerry?

There's only a few hours to go before the polls in America decide who will be the next U.S. President. Will it be George Bush or John Kerry? To be honest, I don't think it really affects me and several people have said that they don't really care. However, it is one of the, if not the most powerful position in world politics. America, being the economic and military behemoth and last legitimate superpower (China doesn't quite cut it yet), has substantial influence in the world's affairs.

I would like to see George Bush go. I think there is a lot of anti-Bush sentiment going around as well. I hope he gets voted out but I think national security will be the biggest issue for the yanks and it's quite possible that Bush will get back in. Bush has only been in office for like 5 years as he was voted in 2000. I remember because I was at uni that day at UWS and quickly during my break ran over to the computer lab to check whether it was Al Gore or Bush that would win. I seemed to be the only person that was concerned that day, everyone was oblivious to the shift in American politics.

Like I said, Bush has been in office for only 1 presdential term, but he's managed to screw the entire world in that process. I believe he's done more harm than good. Look at the latest F.I.A.S.C.O. He claimed that there were nuclear weapons in Iraq, using the term "weapons of mass destruction". What happened to them? He decided to invade iraq (based on his dodgy intelligence data) and once conquered it, claimed that although there were no weapons he was liberating the Iraqi peoples. Isn't that a cop out? I think he said there were estimated to be 650,000 to 1 million tons of nuclear weaponry in iraq. He claims that they were moved by Saddam and the Republican guard before the troops moved in.

Excuse me, but how does one move ONE MILLION TONS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONRY unseen? In fact how does such a large amount disappear? Was David Copperfield involved?

In short, Bush screwed up. He is not man enough to admit he made a huge mistake. His lapdog, John howard, also won't admit that he made a mistake either, blaming the U.S. intelligence. The other day, Bush claimed in some press release that the weapons disappeared but Kerry just pounced on him. It was funny watching Kerry's campaign, how he just paying out Bush and the so-called disappearnce of these weapons. He was going on about "they lied about the war. What other lies are they keeping?". I think he's trying to drum up fear about other skeletons in the closet that Bush might have. What about area 59?!! Give us an answer dammit!

Bush has miserably failed as a president as his approach has always been iron handed. It's the bomb the crap out of them first, ask questions later approach. It doesn't work in world politics. And to be honest, I just don't like the man. he just looks ridiculous every time he laughs, with his face all scrunched up. The United Nations has done a lot of good work in the past, but his decision on the pre-emptive strike on Iraq which by-passed the security council was devasting.

I'm not sure if John Kerry is the man either. To me, they seemed like polar opposites. Bush the war time president, and Kerry the peaceful, conciliator. I liked Bill Clinton. he was very charismatic and had a lot of good ideas like the Camp David Peace Accords, which attempted to bring peace between warring factions in the middle east (i.e. Israel and Palestine). Despite his indisrections, Bill was the man.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bring back Bill