Tuesday, October 19, 2004

You pay for what you get

I read this article today and felt i had to post it up in its entirety. It's hilarious.

Dozens of penis ops go wrong

From correspondents in Chaiyaphum. October 19, 2004

DOZENS of Thai men have been treated in hospital after having a suspected paraffin mixture injected into their penises during botched enlargement attempts, a hospital official said.
Most of the botched ops have been undertaken in one rural Thai village.

At least 48 men have each needed two months of treatment at a single hospital for inflamed penises after paying for syringes of blue liquid administered by illegal backstreet doctors.
The cases were reported from a single hospital in the rural northern province of Chaiyaphum since January. It was not clear if the men were from the same town or village.

All of them made a full recovery after treatment, according to a spokeswoman at the state-run Chaiyaphum hospital. Unlicensed cosmetic surgery carried out by unqualified practitioners is a problem in Thailand, particularly in rural areas.

Agence France-Presse

My thoughts: All I can say is blackmarket surgery is dodgy. I'm sure this stuff won't be on that RPA tv show. Moral of the story - don't get surgery done in Thailand (LMAO). It'll prolly cause more harm than good.

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