Sunday, October 17, 2004


This is a cut and paste of a message board I set up on the Australian Idol website.

Ricki Lee come back as an intruder
Djhomixes (me): The competition needs someone like RLC (Ricki Lee Coulter). She bring a certain vibe, energy and is just so talented. They need to bring her back. Perhaps what they should do is bring RLC as an intruder, like they did on Big Brother. Or have another wildcard tryout, to try to bring her back. What does everyone else think?

Here are a selection of responses:

jb928s4: Good idea... just make it quick!!

krtgoldcoast: That is quite stupid, Get over it she is out.

idolwatcher: i think thats a stupid idea djhomixes..thats is the dumbest thing ive ever seen written on these it wouldn't be fair to other idols who have been voted out...

allsystemsdead: I am a fan of RLC but I do agree with ktrgoldcoast. She's out so ppl should learn to deal with it. And having a wildcard, thats just stupid! That will show that Idol seems to favor RLC, don't you think?

My thoughts
Hmmmm...seems everyone doesn't agree with me. I agree that it might not be fair on the other idols, but to call it the stupidest idea? I have seen more outrageous suggestions. Not that I read the message boards or anything :P.

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