Monday, August 01, 2005

It the R to the, double O to the T S

I've actually got a lot of things to do at the moment, but right now I feel compelled to write this. Those big clients can wait whilst I profess my appreciation for The Roots concert that I went to last Saturday.

The Roots crew are just so talented. Musically they are just off the hook - mixing live instruments (electric guitars, drums, keyboard), Black Thought's vocals as well as some awesome female RNB licks. I've seen them before at the Hordern Pavillion, but this was much better in a more intimate atmosphere at the Enmore theatre.

What I like to do at the concerts is at one point in the night to just close my eyes, zone out and simply listen to the music. Only the last couple of times that I've done that I've managed to inhale some second hand weed lingering in the air!!! I told a friend to do the same thing and she also commented on the sticky green wafting at the metro. And what was also cool was when the Roots switched it up and played some ODB tribute tracks like Shimmy Shimmy Ya and some classic Nas Illmatic.

In short, the concert was the shiznit.

BTW how did everyone else find the Roots crew?


Student154 said...

In a bout of frenzy I went and amazoned all the roots albums, new and sealed... also got on Okayplayer and bought 3 roots t-shirts... I think that kinda explains how i feel about the concert doesn't it?

Student154 said...

And its;

R to the
double-O to the
T S-in'...

Anonymous said...

what Bosco?