Monday, January 02, 2006

Blogging from the Gold Coast! City of Surf, Sun and Sexy Bodies

Hey everyone, how you y'all doing?

Right now, I'm @ Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast, living it up Ja Rule Style. I've been to the beach a couple of times, learnt how to surf and am having a blast of a time. Must say that surfing is crazy. Ip and I took a two hour lesson and basically got the techniques down pat. We hired surfboards the next day and got aboslutely smashed by the waves. It's actually quite tricky learning how to stand on a board. I can lie down on it and get on my knees but only briefly stand up on the board. I was thinking the other day, WWJD? Jesus would walk on the water as Kanye West would put it.

Anyway, the other day, I also hired a boat for 10 people and drove out to this little island. I started driving but was too nervous, and handed to a lil phsyco named Jerm who put it into high speed. Other highlights? We anchored the boat and Henry caught a big fish! Chuck and Ip jumped off the boat for a swim, Terry took a leak - call of nature (Cringe!) and Chuck pushed him into the his own piss. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!

We also drove up to Brisbane in two cars and went clubbing at this joint called Fridays. They had two rooms, RNB and Aussie dance music. It went off and we only paid $25. This girl actually asked me - "Are you guys here to break hearts?" My response - "Some of us are here to break hearts, some are stone cold, and some are just chilling out like me". Ed - work your game player! And Tim.........what more can I say?

Lastly, I must report that Brisbane and Gold Coast (GC) feel like two different cities. When you walk around GC, the people look different. Everyone has really buff bodies, very athletic. Guys looked absolutely cut. Women - well, they are very shapely :P. I guess its because its a beach culture and everyone sees each other half naked and you want to look good. Brisbane - is a commerce city - greater diversity of people.

I'm out like non-buff bodies on the gold coast,

DJ Ho.


Student154 said...

Nice to hear from y'all... i got a few calls from chuck yesterday. Big up to Tims... haha

Anonymous said...

What happens in Brisbane and Gold Coast STAYS in Birsbane and Gold Coast. U got that Ho??? Nudge Nudge

DJ Ho said...

Bosco - I hope you made constructive use of your time since you didn't come. Project K better be good.

Tim - I believe the word "blackmail" comes to mind :P

DJ Ho said...

if you can help me locate my missing pair of brown pants i might look upon your request more favourably :P