Sunday, December 17, 2006

Don't Smack That........

This is a catchup post more than anything. How y'all doing btw? I've been busy, going out, doing my thing.

Been a interesting weekend. Friday night we had our work Xmas party in Darling Harbour. There was another party going on next door @ Watershed and they looked they like were having we did the next best thing..... we crashed it and joined them on the dance floor. That was cool but me, PJ and another friend needed another fix of clubbing.

We walked up to Oxford St and supported my mate's charity party @ Burdekin Hotel. The place was a bit dead at 1 in tha morning. They weren't many people on the dance floor, so we did what we normally do....we danced anyway. We got down to the sounds of electro beats and house music.

Next up, we were still pumped up and fueled by then we went to Stonewall. Yes, that Stonewall. The gay and lesbian club Stonewall. Hadn't been there before, so I was a bit concerned about being some guy's "butt buddy" or if they played the song "smack that" and they got animated with the hand actions.

Be careful if you ask for cocktails on Oxford St

We went up to the second level and it was packed out. They were like guys openly making out, dykes getting it on, 60 year old women dancing around like their 18, crazy mohawk hairstyles and drawn on Bono glasses. Basically, a totally different crowd to what I used to. Oxford St attracts all types I guess.

Some dude (I presume he was a dude) touched my back and I was like "you better get your hands up off me!". My mates just laughed. The locals know when your not interested when you give them THE LOOK - like you've been zapped by electricity and want to run away. Your reaction tells them everything.

Maybe I was a lil tense in the club, but I still had fun on the dancefloor. This dyke actually liked one of my female friend and verbally abused me with something like "You stealing our good women! This ain't a RNB club. This is my house! There ain't no equal opportunities here!".

It actually occured to me even if i was busting to go the bathroom, there was no way I was venturing into the toilets @ that place. Who knows what kind of extracurricular activities are going on in there. In fact, I was told that I was much better off going into the female toilets! Let's not have a repeat of the shower from hell post.

After this experience, I have never been more assured about my heterosexuality.

I'm out like clubbers on Oxford St,

DJ Ho.

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