Chapter 1, Verse 1: The DJ Ho Diaries
It's not often that I bump to Christian music @ 8am in the morning. In fact, I don't listen to Christian music ain't all unless I'm at Church. Earlier in the year, I went to the Katoomba Youth Convention @ Blue Mountains. I heard Nathan Tasker play and he was awesome. So good in fact, that I bought his CD and got it autographed.
These days, you can't be an artist without a myspace can you? So no surprise, he's got one
too. One of the motivators behind purchasing the CD was that as a Christian we should have some QT (quiet time) with the Lord and spend time reading the bible, praying, and so on.
Honesty can be a ...............To be honest, I generally never do that. I rarely pick up a bible. I only pray when I eat or if there is something I need from him. It's a bit selfish I know. So I bought the CD and listen to it as my way of worshipping the Lord. It's kinda strange way to do it, but my friend Amy does the same thing. Trust me, its so much easier listening to uptempo Christian rock music then reading the bible. That stuff is dense!
I ain't trying to bible bash you. I don't even write about my religion on my blog. Ever. I write more about the Muslim religion than Christianity! Perhaps its time to change that a bit.
For those that don't know, I became a Christian approximately 4 years ago. Pretty much on my 21st birthday. These days, I help out in the Church on Sundays. We have a rotating roster and occassionally I am the worship leader. That means, I am responsible for leading the prayers, introducing the speaker, announcements, reading the bible and whatever else needs to be done. Kinda like being an MC (just without the rapping).
Bible Study? On Friday Nights?I used to go Bible Study group on Friday nights. We used to crash at someone's house. A different person would make dinner each friday night and then we do our bible study. That would be my Friday night. Bible study kinda died out and these days, you'll find me drinking and clubbing in the city. Ever since I started working, that's been my routine.
I tried to make the bible study we have at work during our lunchtimes. But that didn't correlate well with my eating habits. I just don't want to be doing bible study during my lunch break. It's like I see it a chore. I used to be all keen and eager to go when I started working, and it was good to see other Christians at work. But I'm always automatically cancelling the invite everytime it pops up in my email.
21 Questions
Why is it that I can find the time to play basketball during lunch time but can't find the time to go to bible study?
Why is it that when its my turn to be the worship leader, i'm out til 1 or 2 in tha morning?
Why is it that I do the bare minimum as a Christian?
Why is it that I cringe everytime my mum says I should meet a nice girl at Church?!!!
Mum: "DJ, you should go to X Church, and meet a nice Christian girl!"DJ: "But ma, the girls at clubs are so much better!" I'm out like rocking to Christian music,
DJ Ho.