Saturday, July 08, 2006

Everyday Struggle

I don't wanna live no mo'
Sometimes I hear death knocking in my front do'
I'm living like a hustle
Another drug in trouble, another day another sorrow

- The Everyday Struggle by Notorious Big

Seeing all these new interns join my company and working with them reminds me of a time not so long ago, when i used to be one of them. Energetic, young, full of enthuasism, ready to prove myself. Now that I'm slightly older, with some work experience under my belt, I wonder if anything has really changed?

Am I still that young, inexperienced youngster? In them I see myself. Naieve, scared, nervous in speaking to new people but hidden by a confident exterior demeanour. To be honest, I don't think that much has changed.

I've come to the realisation that nothing in life is given, it is earned. In the work environment, that is more true than anything. I've had my struggles and dilemnas, my ups and downs, grown stronger with the praises, fallen down with the criticisms. We all have. To me the difference in life is how we deal with the times we struggled, how fast we picked ourselves up and whether we got up again to fight another day. If it doesn't kill you, it only makes you stronger right?

The work environment is a unique environment, very different to any other environment I've experienced. Everyone is a lot more serious, there are time constraints, there's politics to deal with, and its real.

I reckon that 90% of the stuff I learnt at uni is irrelevant to my job. For me, the biggest learning curve has been work itself. Dealing with people, doing things I've never done before, learning the technical side, remembering the processes. Then there's the expectations and deadlines and simply doing things right (!).

Ah, the everyday struggle. Just trying to survive and excel. More than anything I just want to be successful and respected at what I do. I know I'm dedicated and have that inner drive, the question is if I will ever show it and reach my potential. If I can just improve my weaknesses and take advantage of my strengths. I've got to show and prove.

I'm out like the everyday struggle,

DJ Ho.

1 comment:

chrome said...

dude uni prepared me for jack and my first three months in work was a period of self-doubt. then you find the rest of the new joins share the same pressures. life is one big road with a lot of signs.