Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I feel like Peking Duck Tonite

Just came back from a mad dinner at the BBQ King, located in the heart of Chinatown. All I can say is its very succulent food. We had a couple of dishes. Started off with entree - San Choy Bow. Beautiful. Then came the main dish, Peking Duck, and it was awesome. Basically its a duck, and you get chunks of it which you eat with pancakes, spring onion and hoi sin sauce. Roll it up like a kebab. Perfect. Just as good as if you ate it in Beijing. BTW Peking Duck is a two course meal, and the rest of the bird you can have with rice or noodles. Of course, you got to have it with noodles, to be different. They were fried, greasy, with nice vegies. Top if off we got two extra dishes - Salt and pepper prawns and honey pepper beef. All I can say is skip the beef, must have the prawns.

Plus this is one of the only places where they serve you beer in a tinnie - a can - fully aussie stylllle. This could do with the fact that its become increasing westernised. I've been told by my Dad that it used to cool for "Asian" Asians to go there. But it became popular with locals (i.e. aussies) and tourists, renovated, and now the prices are quite expensive as they serve mainly westerners. Total damage was $37 each for 4 people. Pricey but well worth it.

Question: Am I a boring/anti-social person?

Increasingly or maybe cause i'm more self conscious of it now, i simply have nothing to say to people sometimes. Some people i just feel that i can't get along with them. Other times i feel very uncomfortable with silence. The question remains though, am I boring? There is this perception that I have of myself that perhaps i'm anti-social. Or maybe its becoz i'm just plain unfriendly to strangers. There's a part of me that thinks i'm either boring, sound too serious all the time, can't express my ideas, can't add punctuation or excitement to what I am saying, or have nothing interesting to say.

To me its partly about being comfortable with who you are, who your with and whether your comfortable around them, and having the confidence to express yourself. I know I've got personality (hello, you in there?), its just having the willingness to let yourself be out there. To expose yourself i guess. Like to be willing to meet new people, have some interesting stories/experiences to tell, to not be afraid if someone doesn't get your joke/punchline. I must admit though, sometimes in certain social situations i feel that i'm trapped in some kind of cocoon, that I can't fully express myself. I hate just sitting there and laughing and not joining in on a conversation. Like Biggie said, things done changed (i.e things are gonna change).

* i feel that i haven't seen friends for like ages since i started working. Or maybe coz its true! I feel that I'm neglecting everyone.

* Burwood Church at 5pm? It was ok, heaps of asians though - attractsa lot of university students, young workers. My kind of church? Remains to be seen.

* You know how you write a response to something, submit it and think "shoulda changed that"? Well in this work profile thing that i didn't realise will get sent around, i put that my favourite album was "ready to die" by Notorious B.I.G. I should get some interesting stares in the hallway or maybe people will start throwing up east coast gang signs.

* Will the conclave choose a Black Pope? Now that the old pope has passed away, there are rumblings that there will either be one from Latin America or will be African.

* South African accents are cool. Even better? Asian chicks with British accents!


nayfon said...

don't go to Burwood@5...the right church is one suburb away. ;)

Anonymous said...

Not trying to be the anit-christ or anything, but the place of worship that you should be at on Sundays at 5pm is Blakehurst Bball court. We got a good congregation. Come on over.