Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Catchup - how i'm doing

Catchup/Ketchup: Get it punk ?

I haven't written anything personal on my blog lately (democracy, Mac Bank, Pinball machine, etc.....) were more important topics, so here a quick breakdown of what i've been up to.

Putting in Work

I restarted my Masters class today. It was so good - the lecturer was awesome, the class is full of work people, and its held at my workplace. What more could i ask for? It's held during work hours as well. I'm so spoilt and i don't pay a single cent. It's one of the few things that I look forward to during the work week.

And in other work related news, I go on secondment tomorrow - so I'll be based at a big bank for the next month and be treated as one of their employees. They'll be training me up on their IT systems and I'll be sitting next to all their regular employees. But I've done it before. I've been based at this client for 2 months in the past year or so. Looks glamorous on the outside, but usually we don't have internet access, we have less control over our work hours, we don't have choice over where we sit.

Legal Admission

For those that keep bugging me, here's the deal - I handed in my forms today to be admitted as a lawyer. I actually qualified in October 2005 but couldn't be stuffed doing anything about it. I'll be admitted (lock it in) on 7 April 2006. that is the day DJ Ho becomes Solicitor Ho. So Aleks, make sure you are there to move my admission!

Breakups to makeups

I'm not sure if I've deliberately put this down the list and buried it on purpose. But here goes (deep breath): Dawen and I broke up before Valentines Day. Let the record show that it was a mutual breakup. After 5 years, things were not going the way we planned and we are both moving on. We are still on talking terms and still remain pretty good friends. And that's all I'm prepared to say at this point.

And no, in case your wondering - I am not single and on the prowl. I think i'm not going to do anything for the next 6 months or even more. I need my space.


My best friend Tim who i've known throughout high school has gone to Canada/New York/UK to work in the ski fields/bars/NBA front office. May the force be with you. And he's got a blog too!

I also inspired Aleks to start up a blog over a conversation at Angel Bar. In fact, I set it up for him. I'm sure Sheena's impressed :P

Hip Hop

Coming up is the Kanye West concert, can't wait. Also planning to see my dog, Snoop Dogg in April. Ok that was a really bad joke. Gin and Juice, What's my Name, Signs - all Snoop classics. Public Enemy are also coming, i'd like to go but since Tim's not here, who else is there that's down with real old skool hip hop? Holla back if you are.

Good to see that rappers are commendable citizens

I'm also going to see Nathan Tasker this weekend. He's not really hip hop, in fact he's very far from it. He's an Australian Christian artist and I've got a signed copy of his CD! In fact I spoke to him and told him how I like it when artist does a solo act without their band. His response "You like that? I'll have do it at my next concert!". YEAH!


My finger is jarred at the moment since I played on Sunday. I did it in the middle of the third game we played but kept going and then played a fourth game to 21. It's a bit swollen and bruised. It was killing during the game. But you know what? IT'S GO HARD OR GO HOME! I've also joined a second work basketball group that just play socially.


I'm not in a very good mood. It's a combination of many things. I snapped on Friday at a colleague. I'm just in not in a good mood when things get frustrating and people have noticed it as well. We all have our ups and downs. Hopefully with Masters, Secondment, Kanye & Snoop, and basketball I've got something to take my mind off things.

Peace Out.


p.s. tell me what's happening in your world.

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