Thursday, July 07, 2005

Bombs over London

From pure ecstasy to absolute horror in less than 24 hours. That pretty much describes what's going on in London at the moment. A blast has just ripped through the heart of london in six different central transport locations. Can you say terrorist attack?

For a minute there, Londoners were on a high. The Live8 Concert was held on Saturday and got the party started and shifted the world focus briefly to poverty in Africa. Then the G8 summit commenced and all the major country's got down to bizness and violent protests began to erupt. Somehow London won the Olympics, sneaking past the city of Hip Hop (New York New York) , the Vodka drinkers (Moscow) and the city of Romance (Paris). Talking to one of the mangers at work who hails from London, she was buzzing today, reflecting the excitement of what I saw at Traflagar Square and the rest of England last night.

But now, the craziest thing has happened. London has just been rocked with a horrendous bombing attack. I don't think the incidents are co-incidental. With the whole world focused on Harry Potter land for the last coupla days, the terroists saw it as an opportune time to do some damage and its prolly related to the G8 summit and the War on Iraq.

When I came home and switched on the telly, I was absolutely stunned. But my younger brother was like "It doesn't shock me anymore. I'm desensitized to all these bombings. We've had September 11, Bali Bombing, and the Madrid attacks". Maybe its just me but comments like that show that we as a society have come to a sad day in history. The day that we are no longer shocked - when it comes an often occurrence for an event of this magnitute to not stun people. Sure it doesn't rival September 11 in terms of damage, but the fact that another major city, a popular tourist destination has come under terrorist attack shows that we aren't safe anywhere in the world.

The London attack is scary though, because it shows that we (in Sydney) could be under a terrorist attack any time, any place. We as Australians are probably more closer to London than any other city in the world. Many Aussies go there to find work and travel - in fact I've got a few colleagues and friends who have recently decided to go there.

But 4 bombs going off at major transport locations at peak hour? I just think about the months of planning that woulda went into this. The cold bloodness. It was obvious that the terrorists were on some kinda "Murda was the case" sh*t.

The question is - how will this affect us though? Will any of us really change our lifestyle? I don't think it does. We will continue to commute to the city. I'll still catch the train in peak hour. There were people that deliberately came in early to work this morning, to avoid it though. I'll still hang out at popular bars, pubs, clubs, etc... I'll still work around Circular Quay and in one of the largest buildings in the city. Opera house, Harbour Bridge, Governor Phillip and Macquarie Tower, Wynard/Townhall/Circuluar Quay Station, Martin Place - their all a stone's throw from where I am.

But the thing is I don't think any of will live in fear but the bombing will be in the back of all our minds. The idea that it could be anywhere, anytime, anyplace. We could be easily be next on the hit list. Australia was invovled in the War on Iraq. We sent extra troops to Afghanistan recently. If you think about it, it's not a question of "if it will happen" but when? I hate to paint a negative picture but you've got to be realistic about it. If anything, working in the CBD, near the tourist locations, with high levels of pedestrian foot traffic has just become a lot more dangerous.

Today, a couple of the streets (Pitt & Hunter) near where I work just got blocked off. It was probably due to a prank call or some suspicious package, but this is the environment that we have to live in now.

And that environment is Post September 11. Post Bali bombings. And now add the 7th of July 2005 to that list. Post London.

1 Luv to all the families and friends that have lost a loved one. 1 Luv to all the peeps searching for the missing.


1 comment:

chrome said...

inspired post dj. last week was bananas.

1 luv