Thursday, December 09, 2004

DJ HO has briefly entered the rat race

I finished work at 8.30pm yesterday, and it dawned on me that yes, DJ HO has officially entered the rat race. It's the same routine, day after day. Wake up at 6.30am, eat breakfast, read the SMH, go to work, come home at 6 - 7pm.

I get so tired when I come home from work. I just want to collapse and fall into bed, let alone try go play bball at Blakehurst against the Croatian Inkjets. Why do I feel so exhausted after work? Many other people are the same. I think its becoz you have to concentrate from 9am - 5pm, and work constantly during that period. Sitting in an office chair, staring at the computer screen, tires you out. Although, spare a thought for those labourers, and other folks that do physical work, i'm sure they are a lot more worn out than us.

People in the rat race work crazy hours. I mean I left pretty late, and there were still a few people around. I used to critise Dawen for not leaving work at 5pm, but now that I start working, you kinda not notice or feel like going home after 5pm. In fact time just drifts by (although i did manage to play 1/2 an hour of table tennis against a manager). Speaking to Ip on the email, it seem as if my hours pale in comparison to what he is doing.

Have we lost the plot with these long working hours? Is there really that much to be done in the office? Perhaps the workplace has become our second home.

Don't forget the work-life balance ya'll, otherwise you'll become a robot.

Lebron vs The Communist

I don't see what is wrong with these ads coz they recently got banned by the Iron fisted Chinese Government. Are these ads that controversial to the Chinese people? it's been reported that they don't like the way that Lebron defeats the Kung Fu master (insert shock) and the ad defaces dragons and ghosts. To be honest, from a personal perspective, I think they are quite cool. In fact, the background to my computer is one of the Lebron ads and I have obtained (they were free!) all these Lebron ad postcards from uni.

The ads are targeted towards an Asian/Chinese audience coz the ad incorporates Mandarin commentary and is based on the Bruce Lee movie where he enters this tower and has to battle his way up each level, facing a different kung fu master.

In short, ads are awesome, Chinese government is anal (altho prolly shouldn't be saying that since I am applying for a chinese visa!!!!!). Check out the ads for yourself here.

$64million Question of the day

1. Who would you rather start your NBA team with - Andrei Kirilenko or Amare Stoudemire? Why?

DJ Ho is perplexed. He wisely decides to take a lifeline. He asks the audience.

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