Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Making someone's day

I've always tried to be a people focused person. I think its important to celebrate milestones or occassions although I hvaen't really shown an attitude to care. Lately, I've probably been a bit slack in doing things for the people that I care about (didn't really celebrate Dawen's birthday, didn't buy anything for Father's day, mother's day, the list goes on). Being busy isn't really a good enough excuse. If you do care, you will do something. Although if you tell people they'll understand.

I did something today - it wasn't major or anything but it showed that I did care. This girl at work told me that she got engaged whilst on holiday last week. I was like stunned, my jaw dropped and then I noticed the ring. Naturally, everyone was happy for her. But I wanted to do something, so I organised a lunch at a nearby restaurant to celebrate. Like I said, it wasn't major but it meant a lot to that girl because it showed that I and her colleagues cared about her as a person. And its these little things that brighten up our lives.

Cause sometimes we forget that we are working with people, with personal lives. When you work so closely with people everyday, it's like their your fam, you know? We gotta look out for one another and to cherish these things in our lives. Maybe its me getting all soppy but I guess I want to help build a team atmosphere at my work and also because she is a really cool person who's helped me a lot through some trying times.

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