Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Genius

Too tired to post properly.

* Spent most of the day fighting through packed traffic in Hurstville Westfield carpark. It took an hour and half to park the car, buy two kilo's of chicken wings, and get out of the carpark. Ridiculous I tell you - it took 15 mins to even get out of the carpark! Hurstville on a Saturday is just too packed. There are issues of overcrowding, bad Asian driving, and just too many cars.

* Will post up pictures of the GZA v DJ Muggs concert @ Home Nightclub from a month ago when I get a chance. Let's just say waiting til 1am on Thursday night (working night) til GZA came out was ridiculous and then idiots fighting at a $70 hip hop concert:

I've just discovered my favourite verse on the Cold World track:

Those who try to flee they hit the vertebrae, increase the murder rate/
Similar to hit men who pull out techs and then/
Drop those who act like thai flows from Mexican/
Rabbit, like recipients cashin checks again/
Back to the motherf*ckin spot on Lexington/

* I've hand written quite a few entries whilst on the train ride home, just can't be stuffed typing them up. Will do it after my assignment is handed in.

I'll do a proper post (and put more thought into it) when I've finished my assignment.

I'm out like peace in East Timor,

DJ Ho.

1 comment:

chrome said...

gza and muggs album caught me unawares and the ish was good. concert pics please.

East Timor? try the middle east.