Saturday, May 06, 2006

Mo Money Mo Problems......

Now that I have a job, for once in my life I have a steady income stream. The expenses are all over the place (mostly spent on food, entertainment, train tickets, music concerts). Most of the time though, I've turned a blind eye to my my bank balance. Sure I know how much is in there and how much I approximately spend a week. But I need to figure out how to maximise my money and cut back costs where possible.

This is a problem/issue facing many young people that have just entered the workforce. For once in our lives, we have money. Cold hard cash in our bank accounts. And we need to make that money work. There's so many options out there and I just need to invest some time to look into it. I feel one thing i definently need to do is open a direct savings account like an ING Direct thing or BankWest one, which offers the best deal and I can make as much interest as possible on my savings.

Next, I'm going to look into some other investment opportunities, whether it is property, managed funds, buying shares, or keeping it in a shoe box. I feel like I am somewhat knowledgable about finance and money matters in general, but I never really looked into seriously. In Chuck's words, I'd like to "dabble", however I think he is talking about something else :P

To be honest, my wish list would be to have several investment properties, some money in managed funds, shareholdings in private equity as well as public companies, and my own business. One day down the track maybe.

But Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was dj ho's fortune.

1 comment:

chrome said...

no doubt dj we all wish for the same thing. keep the grind going and it'll be all good in the long run.