Saturday, February 19, 2005

The Alkaholics

Seriously now, what i want to know is, why do many of us drink beer/wine/spirits?

I can honestly say i don't enjoy the taste of any of that stuff. Sure its an "acquired taste" but its gonna take me a lotta drinks to really enjoy a beer!

Check this story from the staff xmas party ages ago. I had my first taste of white wine and it tasted like so bad. It had this texture of paint thinner with this really strong kick in it. In my mind, i was thinking "who drinks this crap? it tastes off". The other people drinking it (who were much more experienced drinking wine that i was) were like "this is disgusting. It has this full fruity flavour". Someone else started drinking it and they were like "this is really good! What are you guys talking about?". Either the majority of us are just uncultured animals that don't go dine at exquisite places or that guy likes drinking paint thinner that's been put into a wine bottle.

Why do people drink? I think its party/cultural thing. Many of us wouldn't drink by ourselves in the comfort of our own home. Its really when there is some social occassion (gathering, going out) that we really get stuck into this brown water. It just happens that whenever you go to a club/bar/pub everyone's drinking and I think "if everyone else is drinking, i might as well too. I don't want to look like some kind of wimp!".

I went to this hip joint "Bungalow 8" last night, which seemed like a happening place. Picture the scene: Dark, mood lighting, candles on tables, looking out onto the harbour, fire flickering from the posts outside the entrance, attractive people dressed to impressed on a friday night having exotic drinks like "malibu and pineapple".

It seemed like the drink of choice was this thing called a "corona" with a slice of lemon shoved into the top of the bottle. Did it taste good? Ummmmmm.....i guess its another one of those "acquired tastes"! Did it get any better with the second drink? I must admit it does taste better than beer because of the sweetness of the lemon.

What someone needs to develop is a good tasting alcoholic beverage - wait they have those - girlie drinks lol. Now you can't be caught drinking one of them can you. That'd just be breaking every male taboo, a sure sign of weakness if you downed of them with their extremely low alcoholic content and high levels of sweetness.

Now tell me, why do we drink in the first place?

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