Thursday, July 22, 2004

long time between posts

it's been 17 days since my last post. i've been pretty busy working at the tiling company, then skiing at perisher blue and thredbo, and then holidaying at the blue mountains for a couple of days. after this whirlwind of three weeks, i'm just  gonna sit back and relax!

my uni results came out last nite and i fared pretty well: 1 HD, 2 D's and 1 credit. I can't believe that i pulled off 97% in Professional Conduct 1: Legal Accounting and 80% for my law honours research project. WOw. That's pretty kick ass.

First and foremost I have to thank the man above for my results. Especially during the semester when I was panicking big time about the honours thing, I turned to you for help and guidance. Also got to thank everyone around me as well for putting up with me when that's all i would talk about. For six months, that's bascially all i lived and breathed. Have to thank Aadesh especially for sitting down with me and explaining heaps of stuff, late nite phone calls to calm me down, all his materials and his words of wisdom, and basically for telling me that I'll be ok. Also gotta give props to my family, 'specially Mum for calming me down, and William and Ray for helping me put the final touches and typing. Gotta also give much love to Dawen for putting up with me talking about it 24/7 and helping me out with the editing. And my homeboy Tim, for just being a wall I could sound out to when I was stressing out big time. Last but not least, to the lecturerer that put me through all this. For challening me and pushing me to my utmost limits. For driving me insane and providing unique insights.

I'm not sure if many people realised what I went through to put this thing together, but it was one of the toughest periods I've had to go through (which may not such much about my life experiences!). There was a period of time when I was really into it, just doing it non-stop, then a period where I didn't want to touch it because it was too difficult and wanted to quit. BUt after the period where it was too late to quit, I put my game face on and  just became determined to complete it. Sometimes you gotta suffer to be successful.

My mark will never accurately represent the learning experience and knowledge that I gained (since when does the mark ever represent what you learnt). Even  though I was cheering and jumping for joy when I got 80%, I know that I learnt so much more than that and it will be carried on to bigger and greater things.

For anyone that takes the research project or any honours project - this is one simple tip - just do it on something that you love. Do it on something that your really passionate about. I was so fascinated by what I was researching and writing about, and prolly will be for some time, but it made it  so much easier to wake up each morning and stay up late at nite doing it.  

For everything that I went through, it was worth it. Mos Definetely.


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